Animals Collection

A natural fit for art lovers.

If you love art that includes your favourite four- or two-legged friends, and you like it with a twist of classic or clever, our Animals Collection is a fit for you.

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Holstein Maple

Holstein Maple

From $61.99
As the son of a southern Ontario dairy farmer, my daily chores included tending to the animals. Of course, my parents would remember me wasting hours away as I got...
1867 Bay Beaver

1867 Bay Beaver

From $61.99
Our '1867 Bay Beaver' art print recognizes the importance of the beaver to Canadian heritage. Without our fury friend, Canada would not exist. Early French explorers, or 'voyageurs', discovered the...
Voyageur Beaver

Voyageur Beaver

From $61.99
Can you think of a more iconic symbol of Canadiana than the beaver? Early French Canadian fur traders working for the Hudsons Bay Company and North West Company canoed inland...
'RedBlack-Jack' Moose

'RedBlack-Jack' Moose

From $61.99
Mention the words "Great White North" and lots of images come to mind including plaid jackets, Bob & Doug McKenzie, toques (Hosers), and of course distinctive Canadian animals like the...
'Polaris' Bear

'Polaris' Bear

From $61.99
Our 'Polaris' Bear art print captures the spirit of one of Canada's most recognizable native species. Ursus maritimus (maritime bear) has moved among the ice and stars of the Arctic...
Spa-ta-cat Art Print

Spa Kitty

From $61.99
Cats try to convince you they don't crave attention but just try ignoring them for a day and watch their primadonna tendencies take over. So if you have a cat, you probably tend to pam-purr it (sorry,...
'Maple Bacon' Piglet

'Maple Bacon' Piglet

From $61.99
As the son of a southern Ontario farmer, my daily chores included tending to the animals. Of course, my parents would remember me wasting hours away as I got my...
Polar Ice Hockey Bear

Polar Ice Hockey Bear

From $61.99
If you ask a non-Canadian to say the first thing that comes to mind when asked to describe Canada, don't be surprised by what they offer up. It may be...
Peppermint Piglet

Peppermint Piglet

From $61.99
The holidays often bring out the most creative decorators. Shiny bangles and bobbles of all shapes, sizes and colours come out of storage to find temporary homes all around the...
Clark Cat Art Print

Clark Cat

From $61.99
Ever wondered what lurks behind your pet cat's cool exterior? What do they do all day when you're not home to watch? Do they have another life, an alter ego you'll never know about?...
Lunar Loon

Lunar Loon

From $61.99
Is there anything more quintessentially-Canadian than the Common Loon? This iconic and striking bird's call is both melodic and complex. It's also the soundtrack to many people's experiences camping and...
Canadian Beaver-Middle Finger Salute wall art

Canadian Beaver-Middle Finger Salute

From $61.99
Feeling a little passive-aggressive today? Well, so is this feisty Canadian beaver! In this bold and cheeky illustration, our furry national icon delivers the universally understood middle-finger salute—because let’s be...
Pink Mink

Pink Mink

From $61.99
While it may no longer be cool to wear real fir, there's no denying when someone says the work 'mink,' it conjures up images of style and glamour.  The inspiration behind...
Thoroughbred Derby Classic

Thoroughbred Derby Classic

From $61.99
In all sports, there is one event that athletes strive to reach, compete in and win. It's The Masters at Augusta for golfers, while a hockey player's goal is to...
North Polar Bear

North Polar Bear

From $61.99
The holidays often bring out the most creative decorators. Shiny bangles and bobbles of all shapes, sizes and colours come out of storage to find temporary homes all around the...
Northern Lights Polar Bear

Northern Lights Polar Bear

From $61.99
The holidays often bring out the most creative decorators. Shiny bangles and bobbles of all shapes, sizes and colours come out of storage to find temporary homes all around the...
Pesky Penguin

Pesky Penguin

From $61.99
The holidays often bring out the most creative decorators. Shiny bangles and bobbles of all shapes, sizes and colours come out of storage to find temporary homes all around the...
Christmas Chick

Christmas Chick

From $61.99
The holidays often bring out the most creative decorators. Shiny bangles and bobbles of all shapes, sizes and colours come out of storage to find temporary homes all around the...
Super Cat Art Print

Super Cat

From $61.99
If you've ever tried to catch your cat on the run or marveled how they landed safely and softly on their feet after jumping off a bookcase, you'd swear they had superpowers. I...